Healing Affirmations to Cleanse and Detoxify the Body, Mind, and Spirit
Our lives have become too TOXIC. While most of our focus in on “externally” generated toxins; chemicals, food additives, and pollution, that poison our body, I believe we also live with many “internally” created toxins – negative thoughts and unresolved anger that create emotional torment. These chemicals and emotions combine and result in disharmony within. They manifest as dis-ease and illness in our bodies.
We often disregard the fact that we are “body, mind and spirit”. One cannot cleanse the body without a profound effect on the mind and spirit. When we begin to release old, stagnant debris from the body, our mind and spirit must follow suit, with the release of negative emotions and stored resentments. If we are willing to “go with the flow”
our bodies regenerate and rejuvenate. We are rewarded with abundant health and
emotional wellbeing.
When one embarks on a cleansing journey – the results are miraculous. Having worked over 20 years in healthcare and facilitating thousands of colonics, it has become increasingly apparent to me that the cleansing process affects our bodies at a cellular level – each and every cell of every organ is affected and responds. Cleansing our bodies through colon hydrotherapy and herbs is paramount to maintaining vibrant health in our polluted, processed and mineral deficient environment.
It is in this knowing that I have created these affirmations to assist you during your cleansing experience – a cleansing that touches and heals not only the body but the mind and spirit as well.
Join me on this thirty day journey to discover your true radiance– Beauty from the Inside Out.
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